1.What are the Sum of Squares between (SSB)? 2. What is the degress of freedom within (dfW)? There is some research indicating that college students who use Facebook while studying tend to have lower...

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1.What are the Sum of Squares between (SSB)?
2. What is the degress of freedom within (dfW)?
There is some research indicating that college students who use Facebook while studying tend to have lower grades than non-users (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010). A representative study surveys students to determine the amount of Facebook use during the time they are studying or doing homework. Based on the amount of time spent on Facebook, students are classified into three groups and their grade point averages are recorded. The following data show the typical pattern of results.

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New research suggests that watching television especially medical shows such as grays’ anatomy and house can result in more concern about personal health. Surveys administered to college students measure television viewing habits and health concerns such as fear of developing diseases and disorders seen on television. For the following data, students are classified into three categories based on their television viewing patterns and health concerns are measured on a 10-point scale with “0” indicating “none.” Television Viewing Little or none- 4,2,5,1,3,7,4,4,8,2 Moderate- 5,7,3,4,8,6,2,7,3,5 Substantial- 5,7,6,6,8,9,6,4,6,8 1.What are the Sum of Squares between (SSB)? 2. What is the degress of freedom within (dfW)? There is some research indicating that college students who use Facebook while studying tend to have lower grades than non-users (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010). A representative study surveys students to determine the amount of Facebook use during the time they are studying or doing homework.  Based on the amount of time spent on Facebook, students are classified into three groups and their grade point averages are recorded.  The following data show the typical pattern of results. Facebook Use WhileStudyingNon-UserRarely UseRegularly Use3.73.513.023.453.422.842.983.813.423.943.153.103.823.642.743.683.203.223.902.952.584.003.553.073.753.923.313.883.452.80M = 3.71M = 3.46 M = 3.01s = 0.30 s = 0.30s = 0.27Use an ANOVA with a = .05 to determine whether there are significant differences among the three groups.  If applicable, perform a Tukey's HSD to determine the nature of the differences. 3. What is the Mean Square Within (MSW)? 4. Using the instructions provided in the lectures and the handouts in Moodle, provide an appropriate decsion statement for #22 using APA format. Not your opinion, APA format! Answer: 5. What is the Mean Square Between (MSB)? 6. Using the instructions provided in the...

Answered Same DayDec 23, 2021

Answer To: 1.What are the Sum of Squares between (SSB)? 2. What is the degress of freedom within (dfW)? There...

David answered on Dec 23 2021
126 Votes
New research suggests that watching television especially medical shows such as
grays’ anatomy and house can result in more concern about personal health.
Surveys administered to college students measure television viewing habits and
health concerns such as fear of developing diseases and disorde
rs seen on
television. For the following data, students are classified into three categories
based on their television viewing patterns and health concerns are measured on a
10-point scale with “0” indicating “none.”
Television Viewing
Little or none- 4,2,5,1,3,7,4,4,8,2
Moderate- 5,7,3,4,8,6,2,7,3,5
Substantial- 5,7,6,6,8,9,6,4,6,8
1.What are the Sum of Squares between (SSB)?
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Little or None 10 40 4 4.888889
Moderate 10 50 5 4
Substantial 10 65 6.5 2.277778
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 31.66667 2 15.83333 4.253731 0.02478 3.354131
Within Groups 100.5 27 3.722222

Total 132.1667 29
Sum of squares between = 31.6667
2. What is the degress of freedom within (dfW)
Degrees of freedom = n- 2 =27
There is some research indicating that college students who use Facebook while studying tend
to have lower grades than non-users (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010). A representative study
surveys students to determine the amount of Facebook use during the time they are studying or
doing homework. Based on the amount of time spent on Facebook, students are classified into
three groups and their grade point averages are recorded. The following data show the typical
pattern of results.
Facebook Use While Studying
Non-User Rarely Use Regularly Use
3.7 3.51 3.02
3.45 3.42 2.84
2.98 3.81 3.42
3.94 3.15 3.10
3.82 3.64 2.74
3.68 3.20 3.22
3.90 2.95 2.58
4.00 3.55 3.07
3.75 3.92 3.31
3.88 3.45 2.80
M = 3.71 M = 3.46 M = 3.01
s = 0.30 s = 0.30 s = 0.27
Use an ANOVA with α = .05 to determine whether there are significant differences among the
three groups. If applicable, perform a Tukey's HSD to determine the nature of the differences.
(a) Ho: There are no significant differences among the three group means
Ha: At least two groups means are significantly different
One factor ANOVA

Mean n Std. Dev

3.710 10 0.3013 Non-user

3.460 10 0.2986 Rarely use

3.010 10 0.2677 Regularly use

3.393 30 0.4060 Total

ANOVA table
Source SS df MS F p-value
Treatment 2.5167 2 1.25833 15.00 4.15E-05
Error 2.2646 27 0.08387
Total 4.7813 29
Since the p- value < α, we reject Ho and accept Ha
At least two of the three groups have significantly different means
(b) ^2 = SS(Between)/SS(Total) = 2.5167/4.7813 = 0.5264 (52.64%)
(c) The hypothesis test reveals that there are significant differences in the group means, with an effect
size of 52.64%.
3. What is the Mean Square Within (MSW)?
From the above...

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