1.Modify the chamfer algorithm for computing the distance transform (Alg XXXXXXXXXXby replacing the 3 × 3 pixel Euclidean distance masks (Eqn XXXXXXXXXXwith the following masks of size 5 × 5 pixels:...

1.Modify the chamfer algorithm for computing the distance transform (Alg. 11.2) by replacing the 3
3 pixel Euclidean distance masks (Eqn. (11.20)) with the following masks of size 5
5 pixels:

Compare the results with those obtained with the standard masks. Why are no additional mask elements required along the coordinate axes and the diagonals?
Implement the chamfer-matching technique using (a) the linear summation of distances (Eqn. (11.22)) and (b) the summation of squared distances (Eqn. (11.24)) for computing the match score. Select suitable test images to find out if version (b) is really more robust in terms of reducing the number of false matches. Adapt the template-matching method described in Sec. 11.1 for the comparison

of RGB color images.

May 19, 2022

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