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1. Consider a string, we'll say that the front is the first 3 chars of the string. If the string length is less than 3, the front iswhatever is there. Return a new string which is 3 copies of the front.
Ex:front3('Python') → 'PytPytPyt'
2.Given an integer n, return the absolute difference between n and 21, except return double the absolute difference if n is over 21.
Ex: diff21(19) → 2
diff21(10) → 11
diff21(21) → 0
3.Consider 2 int values, return True if one is negative and, one is positive. Except if the parameter "negative" is True, then return True only if both are negative.
pos_neg (1, -1, False) → True
pos_neg (-1, 1, False) → True
pos_neg (-4, -5, True) → True