1.I need annual report of 900 to 1100 words which should cover question A to G. Sources of that report should be those two links mentioned as source 1 and source 2.2. I need Excel sheet created from...

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1.I need annual report of 900 to 1100 words which should cover question A to G. Sources of that report should be those two links mentioned as source 1 and source 2.2. I need Excel sheet created from topic 2(Capital Budgeting) and cover questions A to F. Tutor suggested format of that excel sheet but not mandatory.3. As you can see in the attached file, I need Video script to speak maximum 5 minutes which should particularly cover question A and F from section2. Please do not put too much content, you can see notes from question 3.
Notes- Do not need referencing in this assessmentI could not attach that sample excel sheet. So i will attach it later in chat

FINM4000_T2_2021_Assessment_02_Description Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Assessment 2 Information Subject Code: FINM4000 Subject Name: Finance Assessment Title: Individual Assignment Assessment Type: Written Assignment and Excel Spreadsheet Video Length: 5 Minutes Word Count: 1000 Words (+/-10%) Weighting: 30 % Total Marks: 60 Submission: Online (MyKBS) Due Date: Friday (19:55pm AEST) Week 11 Assessment Instructions • Complete this individual assignment (parts 1-3) by the due date above. • Please submit written answers and final numbers through the Turnitin “Written Report” link and submit ONE excel spreadsheet you used in calculating answers through “Excel Submission” link (you can use multiple sheets in your one file). Both of these sections will be marked. Please submit your video presentation through “Video” link. • The written part of your assignment will be put through Turnitin and any plagiarism will be traced and penalised. Please refer to the policy Assessment Description Answer the questions below with reference to the following sources: Complete all three parts of the written assignment below. 1. Company Perspective – Coles Group [25 marks] https://www.colesgroup.com.au/Annual_Report Page 2 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Source 1: Annual Report 2020 https://www.colesgroup.com.au/FormBuilder/_Resource/_module/ir5sKeTxxEOndzdh00hWJw/file/Annual_Report.pdf Source 2: Coles Group Ltd. (COL.AX) Yahoo Finance https://au.finance.yahoo.com/quote/COL.AX/ a) Consider the 2020 Annual Report of Coles Group Ltd. (COL). Briefly illustrate how COL’ governance (BoD) is organized. Do you notice any strategies in place to align manager and shareholder interests at COL based on the Annual Report? Provide one example. (3 marks) b) What is the Net Working Capital for COL both in 2019 and 2020. What type of current asset management strategy is the company pursuing? Explain why and what are the pros and cons of this strategy. (3 marks) c) Consider the COL 2020 Annual Report. Identify two of the major risks discussed. Are these risks systematic or unsystematic? Why? (2 marks) d) You are trying to value COL share today (End of 2020). Assume the current price of the share in the stock market is $16.54. Assume that the total dividend paid by COL in the 2020 year were paid as a lump sum (at once) today. You also estimate that for the next two years dividends will grow respectively at 7% and 5% per year. After this (starting in time 3) you estimate dividends will grow at a constant rate of 1% forever. Assume that today the Australian 10Y Government bond has a yield of 1.57%, the market risk premium is 4.45% and the beta of COL is 0.46. Based on this price would you purchase the share? Why or why not? (7 marks) e) What was the market capitalization of COL on the 21 June 2021, assuming that the total number of share outstanding is the same as per the end of the 2020FY? (Use the closing price on that day). (2 marks) f) What type of source (non-current) is COL primarily using to finance its operations? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this source of financing? (3 marks) g) Assume that COL would like to replace its non-current “lease liabilities” (2020) with a new issuing of bonds. Assume that the issue will have a coupon rate of 5% with a 10 year maturity. Assume this are semi-annual coupon bonds and each have a face value of $1,000 and the required rates of return for similar bonds in the market is 3%. What would be the issuing price of these bonds? How many bonds COL will have to issue in order to replace its non-current “lease liabilities”? (5 marks) Page 3 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline 2. Capital Budgeting – Coles Group Ltd. [25 marks] Answer the below questions in your word file and refer to your excel spreadsheet as a supporting document. Upload your excel spreadsheet under “Excel Submissions”. All amounts are in $AUD. In order to increase its market penetration and boost profitability, Coles Group (COL) is evaluating investing in a “Mega Automated Convenience Store” (MACS). COL has already identified a facility that could be ideal for this new format of convenience store. In order to mitigate the risk and assess the fit for purpose of the facility COL asked “Stem Consulting Ltd.” to conduct a technical due diligence. “Stem Consulting Ltd.” is asking $150,000 as a fixed fee for its consulting services. The MACS will have a size of 5,000 square meters (sqm) and will require an initial investment of $100 million. As part of the initial investment, COL will also have to invest additional $50 million in state of the art AI Robotics Technologies. It is believed that the MACS will be able to generate 20% more revenues compared to a traditional convenience store. The average annual sales per sqm of a traditional convenience store is $18,000. The MACS will generate revenue starting at the end of year 1 until the end of year 10. It will also incur additional working capital expenses of $5million immediately, this working capital will be recovered at the end of the project. It is believed that the MACS will reduce the revenues of a close grocery store that the company also own. The total impact on the annual revenues of this store is expected to be a reduction of $10 million. The management team is forecasting that operating costs will be only 15% of the incremental revenues from year 1-10. The initial investment will be depreciated on a straight-line basis over ten years to 0 book value. COL has estimated that the MACS can be sold at the end of year 10 for $15 million. The tax rate is 30%. All cash flows are annual and are received at the end of the year. The weighted average cost of capital is 5.5%. a) Calculate the FCFs for this project. (10 marks) b) What is the NPV for the project? (5 marks) c) What is the Discounted Payback Period? (2.5 marks) d) What is the IRR? (2.5 marks) e) Assume that the risk of investing in the MACS is higher than the overall risk of the company, what would happen to the discount rate and consequently NPV of the project? Why? (2 marks) f) Suppose that COL’ management discounted payback rule is 5 years. Based on your analysis in b), c) and d) should the company undertake this project? Justify your answer with reference to theory. What other factor might affect the final decision? (3 marks) 3. Video Presentation [10 marks] Students are required to produce a video presentation regarding “Section 2” of this assessment. See marking rubric below for focus. The goal of the presentation is to explain the steps taken in order to estimate the FCFs and other capital budgeting measures. Moreover, students are required to justify their recommendation regarding the feasibility of this investment. Upload this video under the link in the assessment table. Page 4 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Video Marking Rubric: Section Criteria Marks Available Presentation Skills • The presentation is engaging, creative and of professional standard. • The presentation uses a financial management language. 3 Analytical Skills • The steps taken for the computation of FCFs are clearly outlined. • The computation of FCFs is justified with reference to theory. • Clear recommendations, regarding the feasibility, backed by financial theory. 5 Practical Skills • Presentation is concise and doesn’t contain irrelevant information. • Presentation doesn’t exceed 5 minutes. 2 Total Marks 10 Page 5 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Important Study Information Academic Integrity Policy KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy. What is academic integrity and misconduct? What are the penalties for academic misconduct? What are the late penalties? How can I appeal my grade? Click here for answers to these questions: http://www.kbs.edu.au/current-students/student-policies/. Word Limits for Written Assessments Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded. Study Assistance Students may seek study
Answered 1 days AfterSep 26, 2021

Answer To: 1.I need annual report of 900 to 1100 words which should cover question A to G. Sources of that...

Harshit answered on Sep 28 2021
140 Votes
1. Company Perspective – Coles Group
a. Coles Group Ltd. (COL) board of directors consists of James Graham AM as Chairman and Independent, Non-executive Director, Steven Cain as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer along with 6 other Independent, Non-executive Director.
The unique characterises of the board of directors of COL is that it’s all directors along with the chairman and managing director are independent directors. This will help to protect the interest of shareholders. Further, all the directors have a shareholding in the company. The chairman James Graham has the highest shareholding of 500,188 shares followed by MD steven Cain at 50,000 shares, other directors also have shareholdings in the company. Having directorship as well as shareholding helps to align manager and shareholder interests in the company.
b.                                     AUS$’ Million
    Total current assets
    Total current liabilities
    Working Capital
    Current Ratio
The working capital of the company in both the year 2019 and 2020 is negative which means that the current liabilities of the company is greater than current assets. The pros of this strategy are that all the current assets of the financed by the current liabilities which decrease the fund requirement of the company thereby decreasing the cost of capital. However, this is a very risky strategy which shows a lack of liquidity and the inability of the company to serve its short-term obligation within due time.

c. Two of the major risks discussed in the annual report of COL are:
i. Pandemic Risk (Covid-19) – It is a systematic risk as it was not company-specific rather than it affects the whole industry.
ii. Competition, changing consumer behaviour and digital acceleration- It is an unsystematic risk as it is company-specific. This risk arises as COL was unable to competitive pressures and changing customer behaviours and expectations.
d. Given:
    Current Dividend (2020)
    Rf+ beta (Rm-Rf)
    1.57% +0.46(4.45%-1.57%
    Growth Period
    Discount Factor
    Terminal Period
    3rd-year Dividend
    The present value at end of 2nd year
    Present Value today
    The theoretical value of the share
    Market Value
Since the theoretical value of a share is more than the market value of the share investor should...

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