15. Exercises 1. Write a C++ program that receives two integer values from the user. The program then should print the (addition), (subtraction), (multiplication), (division), and remainder after...

15, Exercises 1. Writea G-+ program that receives o integervalues frou heuser. The program then shaald print the (addition) (subiaction)(multplication), (division), and remainder aficr division (modulus). Your program must us only intcgers.
15. Exercises<br>1. Write a C++ program that receives two integer values from the user. The program<br>then should print the (addition), (subtraction), (multiplication), (division), and<br>remainder after division (modulus). Your program must use only integers.<br>

Extracted text: 15. Exercises 1. Write a C++ program that receives two integer values from the user. The program then should print the (addition), (subtraction), (multiplication), (division), and remainder after division (modulus). Your program must use only integers.

Jun 11, 2022

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