14. Let (n, e) be Alice's public key. Bob sends the ciphertext C using Alice's public key (n, e) for the plaintext M:= HILBERT. Show how Alice decrypts it via the Chinese Remainder Theorem to speed up...

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14. Let (n, e) be Alice's public key. Bob sends the ciphertext C using Alice's public key<br>(n, e) for the plaintext M:= HILBERT. Show how Alice decrypts it via the Chinese<br>Remainder Theorem to speed up the decryption process. You must use your own<br>moduli with an encryption key e coprime to (n) and the corresponding decryption<br>key d.<br>

Extracted text: 14. Let (n, e) be Alice's public key. Bob sends the ciphertext C using Alice's public key (n, e) for the plaintext M:= HILBERT. Show how Alice decrypts it via the Chinese Remainder Theorem to speed up the decryption process. You must use your own moduli with an encryption key e coprime to (n) and the corresponding decryption key d.

Jun 08, 2022

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