€e remaining customers (3%) require garage service. €ey too must be processed at the counter, where a salesperson writes up a work order in Exponential (5) minutes before sending the job to the...

€e remaining customers (3%) require garage service. €ey too must be processed at the counter, where a salesperson writes up a work order in Exponential (5) minutes before sending the job to the garage. €e garage has four bays and ten parking spaces for waiting jobs. If all the bays are busy when the customer arrives, the salesperson will advise the customer to return at a later time. Garageservicelasts UniformContinuous (120, 960) minutes per job. Garage jobs requiring eight or more hours, usually engine overhauls, also require shop service. For these jobs, half of the garage time is spent in dismantling the engine, which is sent to the shop for the necessary work. It takes Exponential (400) minutes to complete this work. €e engine is then returned to the garage to be mounted on the car. €e mounting time is the remaining garage time. Such jobs receive priority shop service. After garage work is completed, the customer picks up the car and pays the bill at the counter in Exponential (5) minutes

May 19, 2022

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