124.A private-purpose trust fund where the principal is not expendable, normally it is called a/an:
A) Donation.
B) Endowment.
C) Gift.
D) Transfer.
125.Investment Trust Funds are restricted to:
A) External investment pools.
B) Open-end mutual funds.
C) Debt securities.
D) All the above.
126.What is the correct journal entry for a Tax Agency Fund to record tax levies of other governments certified to it?
A) Taxes Receivable - Current
B) Taxes Receivable - Current
C) Taxes Receivable
D) Taxes Receivable for Other Governments
127.When preparing financial statements, the internal portion of investment pools would be reported under which fund?
A) Investment trust fund.
B) Pension fund.
C) General Fund.
D) The fund(s) providing the resources.
128.Which type of pension plan most commonly results in an unfunded actuarial liability?
A) Defined benefit plan.
B) Defined contribution.
C) Both A and B.
D) Neither A or B.
129.Which of the following statements regarding employer reporting of pension or other employee benefit trust funds is not correct?
A) Contributions by the governmental funds are recorded as expenditures.
B) Unfunded amounts are reported in the government-wide statements.
C) Proprietary funds record an expense equivalent to the required contribution.
D) Governmental funds report unfunded amounts as a fund liability.
130.Which of the follow schedules are required to be included in RSI of governments that provide pension trust funds and other post employment benefits:
A) Schedule of Employer Contributions.
B) Schedule of Funding Progress.
C) Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets.
D) A and B.
131.Agency Funds are not included in the Government-wide Financial Statements because:
A) These Funds use the modified accrual basis of accounting.
B) The resources are not available to the reporting unit.
C) The government doesn’t keep track of these types of funds.
D) These funds do not have a material effect on the financial statements.
132.Investments in a private-purpose trust fund should generally be reported using:
A) Cost Basis.
B) Fair Market Value.
C) Equity Method.
D) None of the above.
133.Agency fund assets and liabilities are to be recognized :
A) At the time the government becomes responsible for the assets.
B) When they are available and measurable.
C) Only in the government-wide financial statements.
D) When the earnings process is complete and collection is reasonably assured.