**12.20 (Remove package statement) Suppose you have Java source files under the direc- tories chapter1, chapter2,...,chapter34. Write a program to remove the Sotueby Java Programming Exercises 517...

**12.20 (Remove package statement) Suppose you have Java source files under the direc-<br>tories chapter1, chapter2,...,chapter34. Write a program to remove the<br>Sotueby Java<br>Programming Exercises 517<br>statement package chapteri; in the first line for each Java source file under<br>the directory chapteri. Suppose chapter1, chapter2, .... chapter34<br>are under the root directory srcRootDirectory. The root directory and<br>chapteri directory may contain other folders and files. Use the following<br>command to run the program:<br>java Exercise12 20 srcRootDirectory<br>

Extracted text: **12.20 (Remove package statement) Suppose you have Java source files under the direc- tories chapter1, chapter2,...,chapter34. Write a program to remove the Sotueby Java Programming Exercises 517 statement package chapteri; in the first line for each Java source file under the directory chapteri. Suppose chapter1, chapter2, .... chapter34 are under the root directory srcRootDirectory. The root directory and chapteri directory may contain other folders and files. Use the following command to run the program: java Exercise12 20 srcRootDirectory

Jun 10, 2022

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