11.The Railway Labor Act governs employment relations for railroads alone.
12.The National Labor Relations Act of 1947 amended the Wagner Act to clarify what are considered unfair labor practices by unions and employees.
13.When all workers in a unionized workplace are forced to join the union and pay dues, it is called a union shop.
14.The Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 outlined a bill of rights for union members and sets up procedures for union elections, discipline, and financial reporting.
15.A card check would require employees sign an authorization card if they are in opposition to unionization.
16.The Wagner Act entitles employees who no longer want a union to represent them to get rid of their union through a decertification election.
17.Collective bargaining occurs when the employer and union negotiate in good faith on employment terms and conditions to generate a written contract.
18.Negotiation is a process in which two or more parties make offers, counteroffers, and concessions in order to reach an agreement.
19.When negotiating, it is helpful to research and understand the individual(s) with whom you will be negotiating.
20.Mediation requires a both parties to attempt to resolve the dispute through facilitation.
21.Arbitration is where an impartial third party acts as both judge and jury in imposing a binding decision on both negotiating parties.
22.A boycott occurs when union members refuse to use or buy the firm’s products in order to exert economic pressure on management.
23.Being able to persuade and influence others is a skill that will help you in both your personal and professional lives.
24.Unions promote and protect the interests of all employees regardless of whether they pay union dues, and even those workers who may not be represented by a union.
25.Once a union contract is in place, it governs many aspects of human resource management.