11.The majority of divorced persons do not remarry.
12.The divorced are unlikely to tolerate a poor second marriage.
13.Most remarried families enjoy increased economic status.
14.The law assumes that the biological parents of stepchildren will supply the support.
15.All 50 states now grant some third-party visitations by grandparents.
16.Children can actually break up a remarriage.
17.Most studies suggest that stepmothers seem to have an easier time with stepchildren than do stepfathers.
18.Research about the effects of remarriage on children is very clear.
19.Generally, adolescent boys have more problems adjusting to stepparents than adolescent girls.
20.Younger children are better able to become attached to and benefit from a stepparent than older children.
21.About 90% of children of divorce are being raised by stepmothers.
22.Research indicates that opposite-sex biological siblings tend to be sexually involved with each other much more frequently than opposite-sex adolescent stepsiblings.
23.Conflict is more likely in a remarriage than in a first marriage.
24.Cultivating a sense of humor is one of the best ways to build a healthy stepfamily.
25.In some ways, the remarried family has the chance of being even stronger than a first-marriage family.