11/18/22, 4:22 PM WGU Performance Assessment https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/009463359/course/20900018/task/2807/overview 1/10 NVM2 — NVM2 TASK 1: CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS DATA MINING I — D209 PRFA — NVM2 COMPETENCIES 4030.06.1 : Classification Data Mining Models The graduate applies observations to appropriate classes and categories using classification models. 4030.06.3 : Data Mining Model Performance The graduate evaluates data mining model performance for precision, accuracy, and model comparison. INTRODUCTION In this task, you will act as an analyst and create a data mining report. In doing so, you must select one of the data dictionary and data set files to use for your report from the following link: Data Sets and Associated Data Dictionaries. You should also refer to the data dictionary file for your chosen data set from the provided link. You will use Python or R to analyze the given data and create a data mining report in a word processor (e.g., Microsoft Word). Throughout the submission, you must visually represent each step of your work and the findings of your data analysis. Note: All algorithms and visual representations used need to be captured either in tables or as screenshots added into the submitted document. A separate Microsoft Excel (.xls or .xlsx) document of the cleaned data should be submitted along with the written aspects of the data mining report. REQUIREMENTS Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide. TASK OVERVIEW SUBMISSIONS EVALUATION REPORT https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/227079957 11/18/22, 4:22 PM WGU Performance Assessment https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/009463359/course/20900018/task/2807/overview 2/10 You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .csv, .docx, .pdf, .ppt). Part I: Research Question A. Describe the purpose of this data mining report by doing the following: 1. Propose one question relevant to a real-world organizational situation that you will answer using one of the following classification methods: • k-nearest neighbor (KNN) • Naive Bayes 2. Define one goal of the data analysis. Ensure that your goal is reasonable within the scope of the scenario and is represented in the available data. Part II: Method Justification B. Explain the reasons for your chosen classification method from part A1 by doing the following: 1. Explain how the classification method you chose analyzes the selected data set. Include expected outcomes. 2. Summarize one assumption of the chosen classification method. 3. List the packages or libraries you have chosen for Python or R, and justify how each item on the list supports the analysis. Part III: Data Preparation C. Perform data preparation for the chosen data set by doing the following: 1. Describe one data preprocessing goal relevant to the classification method from part A1. 2. Identify the initial data set variables that you will use to perform the analysis for the classification question from part A1, and classify each variable as continuous or categorical. 3. Explain each of the steps used to prepare the data for the analysis. Identify the code segment for each step. 4. Provide a copy of the cleaned data set. Part IV: Analysis D. Perform the data analysis and report on the results by doing the following: 1. Split the data into training and test data sets and provide the file(s). 2. Describe the analysis technique you used to appropriately analyze the data. Include screenshots of the intermediate calculations you performed. 3. Provide the code used to perform the classification analysis from part D2. 11/18/22, 4:22 PM WGU Performance Assessment https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/009463359/course/20900018/task/2807/overview 3/10 Part V: Data Summary and Implications E. Summarize your data analysis by doing the following: 1. Explain the accuracy and the area under the curve (AUC) of your classification model. 2. Discuss the results and implications of your classification analysis. 3. Discuss one limitation of your data analysis. 4. Recommend a course of action for the real-world organizational situation from part A1 based on your results and implications discussed in part E2. Part VI: Demonstration F. Provide a Panopto video recording that includes a demonstration of the functionality of the code used for the analysis and a summary of the programming environment. Note: The audiovisual recording should feature you visibly presenting the material (i.e., not in voiceover or embedded video) and should simultaneously capture both you and your multimedia presentation. Note: For instructions on how to access and use Panopto, use the "Panopto How-To Videos" web link provided below. To access Panopto's website, navigate to the web link titled "Panopto Access," and then choose to log in using the “WGU” option. If prompted, log in using your WGU student portal credentials, and then it will forward you to Panopto’s website. To submit your recording, upload it to the Panopto drop box titled “Data Mining I – NVM2.” Once the recording has been uploaded and processed in Panopto's system, retrieve the URL of the recording from Panopto and copy and paste it into the Links option. Upload the remaining task requirements using the Attachments option. G. Record the web sources used to acquire data or segments of third-party code to support the analysis. Ensure the web sources are reliable. H. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. I. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. File Restrictions File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! - _ . * ' ( ) File size limit: 200 MB File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z RUBRIC 11/18/22, 4:22 PM WGU Performance Assessment https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/009463359/course/20900018/task/2807/overview 4/10 A1:PROPOSAL OF QUESTION A2:DEFINED GOAL B1:EXPLANATION OF CLASSIFICATION METHOD B2:SUMMARY OF METHOD ASSUMPTION NOT EVIDENT The submission does not propose 1 question. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission proposes 1 question that is not relevant to a real-world organizational situation. Or the proposal does not include 1 of the given classification methods. COMPETENT The submission proposes 1 question that is relevant to a real-world organizational situa- tion, and the proposal includes 1 of the given classification methods. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not define 1 goal for data analysis. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission defines 1 goal for data analy- sis, but the goal is not reasonable, is not within the scope of the scenario, or is not rep- resented in the available data. COMPETENT The submission defines 1 reasonable goal for data analysis that is within the scope of the scenario and is represented in the available data. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not explain how the cho- sen classification method analyzes the se- lected data set. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission does not logically explain how the chosen classification method analyzes the selected data set, or the explanation includes inaccurate expected outcomes. COMPETENT The submission logically explains how the cho- sen classification method analyzes the se- lected data set and includes accurate expected outcomes. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not summarize 1 as- sumption of the chosen classification method. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission inadequately summarizes 1 assumption of the chosen classification COMPETENT The submission adequately summarizes 1 as- sumption of the chosen classification method. 11/18/22, 4:22 PM WGU Performance Assessment https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/009463359/course/20900018/task/2807/overview 5/10 B3:PACKAGES OR LIBRARIES LIST C1:DATA PREPROCESSING C2:DATA SET VARIABLES C3:STEPS FOR ANALYSIS method. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not list the packages or libraries chosen for Python or R. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission lists the packages or libraries chosen for Python or R but does not justify how 1 or more items on the list support the analysis. COMPETENT The submission lists the packages or libraries chosen for Python or R and justifies how each item on the list supports the analysis. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not describe 1 data pre- processing goal. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission describes 1 data preprocess- ing goal, but it is not relevant to the classifica- tion method from part A1. COMPETENT The submission describes 1 data preprocess- ing goal that is relevant to the classification method from part A1. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not identify any data set variables used to perform the analysis for the classification question from part A1 or does not classify the variables as continuous or categorical. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission identifies the data set vari- ables used to perform the analysis for the classification question from part A1, but the submission inaccurately classifies 1 or more variables as continuous or categorical. COMPETENT The submission identifies the data set vari- ables used to perform the analysis for the clas- sification question from part A1, and the sub- mission accurately classifies each variable as continuous or categorical. 11/18/22, 4:22 PM WGU Performance Assessment https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/009463359/course/20900018/task/2807/overview 6/10 C4:CLEANED DATA SET D1:SPLITTING THE DATA D2:OUTPUT AND INTERMEDIATE CALCULATIONS NOT EVIDENT The submission does not explain each step used to prepare the data for the analysis, or the submission does not identify the code segment for each step. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission inaccurately explains 1 or more steps used to prepare the data for analysis, or the submission identifies an inac- curate code segment for 1 or more steps. COMPETENT The submission accurately explains each step used to prepare the data for analysis, and the submission identifies an accurate code seg- ment for each step. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not include a copy of the cleaned data set APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission includes a copy of the cleaned data set, but the data set is inaccurate. COMPETENT The submission includes an accurate copy of the cleaned data set. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not provide the training and test data set file(s). APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission provides training and test data sets, but the split is not reasonably proportioned. COMPETENT The submission provides reasonably propor- tioned training and test data sets. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not describe the analy- sis technique used to analyze the data, or it does not include screenshots of the interme- diate calculations performed. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission inaccurately describes the analysis technique used to appropriately ana- lyze the data, or the submission includes COMPETENT The submission accurately describes the analysis technique used to appropriately ana- lyze the data, and the submission includes ac- 11/18/22, 4:22 PM WGU Performance Assessment https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/009463359/course/20900018/task/2807/overview 7/10 D3:CODE EXECUTION E1:ACCURACY AND AUC E2:RESULTS AND IMPLICATIONS E3:LIMITATION screenshots of the intermediate calculations performed but they are inaccurate. curate screenshots of the intermediate calcu- lations performed. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not provide the code used to perform the classification analysis from part D2. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission provides the code used to perform the classification analysis from part D2, but 1 or more errors are evident during the execution of the code. COMPETENT The submission provides the code used to per- form the classification analysis from part D2 and the code executes without errors. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not explain the accuracy or the AUC of the classification model. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission does not logically explain the accuracy or the AUC of the classification model. COMPETENT The submission logically explains both the ac- curacy and the AUC of the classification model. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not discuss both the re- sults and implications of the classification analysis. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission discusses both the results and implications of the classification analysis, but the discussion is inadequate. COMPETENT The submission adequately discusses both the results and implications of the classification analysis. 11/18/22, 4:22 PM WGU Performance Assessment https://tasks.wgu.edu/student/009463359/course/20900018/task/2807/overview 8/10 E4:COURSE OF ACTION F:PANOPTO RECORDING G:SOURCES FOR THIRD-PARTY CODE NOT EVIDENT The submission does not discuss 1 limitation of the data analysis. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission discusses 1 limitation of the data analysis but lacks adequate detail or is illogical. COMPETENT The submission logically discusses 1 limitation of the data analysis with adequate detail. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not recommend a course of action for the real-world organiza- tional situation from part A1 APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission does not recommend a rea- sonable course of action for the real-world organizational situation from part A1, or the course of action is not based on the results and implications discussed in part E2. COMPETENT The submission recommends a reasonable course of action for the real-world organiza- tional situation from part A1 based on the re- sults and implications discussed in part E2. NOT EVIDENT The submission does not provide a Panopto video recording. APPROACHING COMPETENCE The submission provides a Panopto video recording, but it does not include a demon- stration of the functionality of the code used for the analysis or a summary of the program- ming environment or both. COMPETENT The submission provides a Panopto video recording that