11. Research demonstrates that companies become more profitable by spending less on their employees.
12. Strategic management is not a core human resource function; rather it is the responsibility of top-level management.
13. Companies that use a consistent technology to manage people tend to be less effective and lag behind in profits.
14. The Human Resource Department is primarily responsible for implementing effective practices for attracting and keeping talented workers.
15. Good human resource practices are “common sense” and are all about one’s ability to hire the best person.
16. In a survey of human resource leaders asking them specific questions about employment, staffing and compensation practices, on average, they knew the correct answers about 60 percent of the time.
17. A strategic role of a human resource professional is to be “the cop” who enforces laws and organizational policies and procedures.
18. Human resource roles involve people as well as processes.
19. Effective human resource functional experts can give an organization a competitive advantage over its competitors.
20. When human resource professionals provide expertise concerning recent case law that affects human resource practices, they are performing in the strategic partner role.