11) Price discrimination is selling the same goods, or nearly the same goods, to different targeted groups at similar prices.
12) E-commerce technologies permit personalization.
13) The technology also permits customization is changing the delivered product or service based on a user's preferences or prior behaviour.
14) In dynamic pricing, the price of a product varies depending on the demand characteristics of the customer or the supply situation of the seller.
15) Digital goods are goods that can be delivered over a digital network.
16) Newspapers and magazines are losing readers to the Internet and losing advertisers.
17) Banner ads automatically open up when a user accesses a specific Web site, and the user must click the ad to make it disappear.
18) Social networking is so appealing that it has inspired a new type of e-commerce experience called m-commerce.
19) Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one's business or social contacts by making connections through individuals.
20) Pure-play business models are based purely on the Internet.