11. Overall, job satisfaction varies among organizations as well as among individuals.
12. Organizations with more satisfied employees tend to be more productive.
13. All dissatisfied employees eventually quit their jobs.
14. Some people are predisposed toward either high or low levels of satisfaction regardless of the work environment.
15. People with chronically low job satisfaction tend to experience negative moods in all aspects of their lives.
16. People who are dissatisfied with their jobs experience an initial temporary increase in satisfaction when they move to a new position.
17. Employees who change jobs and initially experience high levels of satisfaction are likely to continue at the same level or satisfaction or even increase their satisfaction over time.
18. Organizations seeking to reduce employee turnover frequently measure their employees’ job satisfaction.
19. Job satisfaction survey results will likely make things appear more positive than they are.
20. Effective socialization begins when employees are given critical information that helps them understand the organization.