11. Job analysis involves the gathering of detailed information about jobs.
12. Historically, narrow job designs have been used to increase innovation.
13. Today, with the advent of total quality management methods and a variety of employee involvement programs, such as quality circles, jobs are becoming broader in scope.
14. A company's strategy will have a direct impact upon the firm's recruitment efforts, but only an indirect impact on its selection procedures and the types of employees selected.
15. The downside of providing a high level of pay and benefits is that it can lead to employee complacency.
16. By tying pay to performance, a company can elicit specific activities and levels of performance from employees.
17. According to research, HRM practices and employee performance are positively related.
18. Increasing the use of HRM practices will automatically result in increased profitability.
19. An overall cost leadership strategy is achieved by creating new product features or unique customer services.
20. Differentiation companies will have compensation systems that are geared toward internal rather than external equity.