Extracted text: 10. The statistleal relationship between the magnitude and frequency of geologic events Is: a. Inversely proportional b. directly proportlonal unpredictable d. Inversely proportlonal, but only at low magnitudes 11. With respect to the glant planets, the terrestrial planets: a. are rich In Iron and magneslum and poor In volatiles b. are poor In Iron and magneslum and rtch In volatiles are composed of materlals of low bolling polnts C. d. contaln ores rich In volatile elements 12. The half-life for the decay of the Uranlum (U) sotope to the Lead (Pb)x Isotope Is 4.5 x 10 years. Mass spectrometer data for a basaltic lava sample Indicates that the sample contalns 96% (U) and 4% (Pb)-c How old is the basalt? N-N-e** 3. 4.5х10° years b. 4.02 x 10 years 2.65 x 10 years 6.84 x 10 years