(10 pts.) Forward Rotation: Write code to perform forward rotation on an image. Starter code available in directory Tranform/ Transform/geometric.py: Edit the function forward_rotate to implement this...

  1. (10 pts.) Forward Rotation: Write code to perform forward rotation on an image.

    • Starter code available in directory Tranform/

    • Transform/geometric.py: Edit the function forward_rotate to implement this part.

  2. (10 pts.) Reverse Rotation: Write code to perform reverse rotation on the input image.

    • Starter code available in directory Tranform/

    • Transform/geometric.py: Edit the function reverse_rotation to implement this part.

  3. (20 pts.) Rotation with interpolation: Write code to rotate an the input image, using nearest neighbor and bilinear interpolation.

    • Starter code available in directory Tranform/

    • Transform/geometric.py: Edit the function rotate to implement this part.

    • Transform/interpolation.py: Write code for linear and bilinear interpolation in there respective function definitions, you are welcome to write new functions and call them from these functions

  • The assignment can be run using dip_hw1_rotate.py (there is no need to edit this file)

  • Usage: ./dip_hw1_rotate.py -i image-name -t theta -m method

    • image-name: name of the image

    • theta: angle in radians to rotate the image (eg. 0.5)

    • method: "nearest_neightbor" or "bilinear"

  • Please make sure your code runs when you run the above command from prompt/Terminal

  • Any output images or files must be saved to "output/" folder

One images is provided for testing: cameraman.jpg


  1. Files not to be changed: requirements.txt and Jenkinsfile

  2. the code has to run using one of the following commands

  • Usage:./dip_hw1_rotate.py -i image-name -t theta -m method

    Example:./dip_hw1_rotate.py -i cameraman.jpg -t 0.5 -m nearest_neighbor

  • Usage:python dip_hw1_rotate.py -i image-name -t theta -m method

    Example:python dip_hw1_rotate.py -i cameraman.jpg -t 0.5 -m bilinear

  1. Any output file or image should be written to output/ folder

  2. The code has to run on jenkins CI/CD

Sep 23, 2021

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