1. Write a program that separately prompts the user for a first name and last name and outputs a string containing the following information, in order: a. First letter of the user's name. b. First...

Java with out string form

1. Write a program that separately prompts the user for a first name and last name and outputs a<br>string containing the following information, in order:<br>a. First letter of the user's name.<br>b. First five letters of the user's last name.<br>c. A random two-digit integer.<br>You must construct the desired string ensuring all characters are lowercase; output the<br>identification string accordingly. Assume the last name contains at least 5 characters. You must use<br>the Random (java.util.Random) class to generate random numbers.<br>As an example, input of Chris Alvin may result in calvin15.<br>

Extracted text: 1. Write a program that separately prompts the user for a first name and last name and outputs a string containing the following information, in order: a. First letter of the user's name. b. First five letters of the user's last name. c. A random two-digit integer. You must construct the desired string ensuring all characters are lowercase; output the identification string accordingly. Assume the last name contains at least 5 characters. You must use the Random (java.util.Random) class to generate random numbers. As an example, input of Chris Alvin may result in calvin15.

Jun 08, 2022

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