1. Write a program that prints "You have passed" if a student gets a score of 50 and above, and prints "You have failed" otherwise. a. Using if...else statement b. Using conditional operator Write a...

Java...run with eclipse

1. Write a program that prints

Extracted text: 1. Write a program that prints "You have passed" if a student gets a score of 50 and above, and prints "You have failed" otherwise. a. Using if...else statement b. Using conditional operator Write a program that prints A for exam score greater than or equal to 90, B for score 80 to 89, C for score 70 to 79, D for score 60 to 69, E for score 50 to 59 and F score less than 50. a. Using if else if statement b. Using switch statement Largest number Write a program that reads two numbers(first number and second number), determines and display the larger of the two numbers.

Jun 08, 2022

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