1) Write a program in Problem1 method that prompts the user for the amount of change (0 – 99) and calculates the correct(fewest number of coins) number of quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies to return as change.Hint: Be sure to use a whole number (int) type for all variables. Use Div (/ with int types) and Mod (%) operators.
Sample run: Enter total change: 87 Quarters: 3 Dimes: 1 Nickels: 0 Pennies: 2
2) Write a program in Problem2 method that prompt for a whole number and print the correct statement based on the following rules: if the number is evenly divisible by 3 print Sassee if the number is evenly divisible by 5 print Wazza if the number is evenly divisible by 3 and 5 print SasseeWazza if the number is not evenly divisible by 3 or 5 print the number
Sample run: Enter a number: 30 SasseeWazza
3) Write a program in Problem3 method that plays the number guessing game.Ask the user for the number of numbers, ie 10 for secret number between 1 and 10, 100 for secret number between 1 and 100.Use the Random object to generate the secret number. Prompt the user for their guess,tell them to “Guess higher”, “Guess lower” or “Correct after x guesses”.
Sample run (when secret is 3): Enter number of numbers: 10 Guess: 5 Guess Lower Guess: 2 Guess Higher Guess: 3 Correct after 3 guesses
4) Write a program in Problem4 method that calculates the even and odd average of whole numbers input.The user will enter “done” when complete. Use a real number type to calculate and store averages, not integer division. Sample run: Enter number: 11 Enter number: 24 Enter number: 18 Enter number: 29 Enter number: 7 Enter number: done Even Average: 21 Odd Average: 15.6666666666667
5) Write a program in Problem5 method that produces the printout below. Be sure to use dash “-” and asterisk “*”.Sample run:
-------* ------*** -----***** ----******* ---********* --*********** -************* *************** -************* --*********** ---********* ----******* -----***** ------*** -------*
6) Create a method GetIntArrayFromUser that takes the size of the array to retrievefrom the user and prompts the user for all values one at a time, then returns the array.Write a program in Problem6 method that uses the GetIntArrayFromUser method to reads 6 numbersfrom the console and print the values in the array using a foreach loop. Sample run: Enter next whole number: 9 Enter next whole number: 4 Enter next whole number: 17 Enter next whole number: 8 Enter next whole number: 21 Enter next whole number: 6 9 4 17 8 21 6
7) Create a method AverageIntArray that takes an array of integers and calculates and returns the averageof all values in the array as a double Write a program in Problem7 method that usesGetIntArrayFromUser method to get an array of 7 numbers, then calls the AverageIntArray methodto get the average then prints all values in the array that are greater than the average. Sample run: Enter next whole number: 3 Enter next whole number: 8 Enter next whole number: 4 Enter next whole number: 12 Enter next whole number: 13 Enter next whole number: 6 Enter next whole number: 9 Average: 7.85714285714286 8 12 13 9
8) Create a method CountTargetIntArray that takes an array of integers and the targetvalue then counts and returns the number of times the target value appears in the array.Problem8 method that uses GetIntArrayFromUser method to get an array of 10 numbers,then calls the CountTargetIntArray method to get the count then prints the number of times the target was found in array. Sample run: Enter next whole number: 2 Enter next whole number: 6 Enter next whole number: 2 Enter next whole number: 4 Enter next whole number: 5 Enter next whole number: 2 Enter next whole number: 4 Enter next whole number: 3 Enter next whole number: 6 Enter next whole number: 2 Enter target value: 2 target found 4 times
9) Create a program in Problem9 that prompts the user for product price and quantity,and continues until the user enters N when asked to continue. Store the inputs (price and quantity) in separate arrays.Once the user has entered N, calculate the grand total, print the grand total,then print the item number as well as the subtotal for each item. The quantity will always be a whole number.Use appropriate data types for the arrays. Assume the user will never enter more than 10 products. Sample run: Add to order (Y/N): Y Enter Price: 52.25 Enter Quantity: 4 Add to order (Y/N): Y Enter Price: 21.85 Enter Quantity: 5 Add to order (Y/N): Y Enter Price: 1.25 Enter Quantity: 55 Add to order (Y/N): N Grand Total: $387.00 Item 1 subtotal: $209.00 Item 2 subtotal: $109.25 Item 3 subtotal: $68.75
10) Create a program in Problem10 that works just like problem 9 but is not limited to supporting only 10 products.Do this by using a lists instead of arrays for the prices and quantities. Sample run: Add to order (Y/N): Y Enter Price: 52.25 Enter Quantity: 4 Add to order (Y/N): Y Enter Price: 21.85 Enter Quantity: 5 Add to order (Y/N): Y Enter Price: 1.25 Enter Quantity: 55 Add to order (Y/N): N Grand Total: $387.00 Item 1 subtotal: $209.00 Item 2 subtotal: $109.25 Item 3 subtotal: $68.75