1. Write a C# program in which accept a number from the user between 1 to 7 and display corresponding days starting with Monday. 2. Write a C# program to demonstrate the concept of “Method Overriding"...

1. Write a C# program in which accept a number from the user between 1 to 7 and display<br>corresponding days starting with Monday.<br>2. Write a C# program to demonstrate the concept of “Method Overriding

Extracted text: 1. Write a C# program in which accept a number from the user between 1 to 7 and display corresponding days starting with Monday. 2. Write a C# program to demonstrate the concept of “Method Overriding" to override the method named callme( ) to display the values. 3. Write a C# program by considering the following diagram of the Jagged array that contains 4 elements and each element in turn refer to another one dimensional array of specified size. 4. Write a C# program to find the multiplication of three integer, two float and two integer numbers using the concept of method overloading. 5. Write a C# program in which accept two numbers and returns addition and multiplication of the value using “out" parameter. 6. Write a C# program to implement the following multiple inheritance using interface. Interface: Gross Class : Employee TA,DA ,Gross_sal() name, basic_sal() Class : salary Disp_sal(),HRA 7. Write a program in C# Sharp to search the position of a substring within a string. 8. Write a C# Sharp program to determine whether a string ends with a particular substring. Course Teacher: Ms. Zainab Khan

Jun 10, 2022

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