1. Write a C function named uint8_t testDFFASync(uint8_t u8_op) that asynchronously resets the DFF if u8_op is non-zero, else an asynchronous set is performed. The function should return a true...

1. Write a
function named uint8_t testDFFASync(uint8_t u8_op) that asynchronously resets the DFF if u8_op is non-zero, else an asynchronous set is performed. The function should return a true (non-zero uint8_t value) if the Q output returns the correct output value, else return a false value (zero). Assume nothing about the initial output states of the RB? ports when entering the function (you may assume that they have already been configured to be inputs or outputs as appropriate). When exiting the function, all outputs should be at their negated values (D, CK at 0; S, R at 1). For emphasis purposes only, use a 1 μs software delay to satisfy pulse width times, setup/hold times for the D input with regard to the clock, and propagation delay through the DFF once the inputs have been applied.

May 19, 2022

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