1. Which of the following statements is true about personality? Multiple Choice Personality doesn’t matter when it comes to performance on the job Personality predicts performance more strongly than...

1. Which of the following statements is true about personality?

Multiple Choice

Personality doesn’t matter when it comes to performance on the job

Personality predicts performance more strongly than cognitive ability

Weak situations reveal people’s personalities

Personality is similar to attitudes in that it can fluctuate a lot

Personality is less stable and more fleeting than either moods or emotions

2. Which personality trait from the Big Five has the highest criterion-related validity with job performance across all jobs?

Multiple Choice

Openness to Experience





3. Although weakly correlated with job performance across all jobs, these two Big Five traits are more strongly correlated with job performance in jobs with strong social demands (e.g., sales).

Multiple Choice

Conscientiousness and neuroticism

Agreeableness and extraversion

Openness to experience and neuroticism

Agreeableness and neuroticism

Neuroticism and extraversion

4.Which of the following scenarios is an apt example of a future-oriented situational interview?

Multiple Choice

Ahmad was asked about the most painful decision he had made as a manager.

Fernandez was asked about the steps he would take to change the work environment in his office.

Emma was asked about the most annoying customer she had ever dealt with.

Jacob was asked about the most hated aspect of his previous job.

Maria was asked whether her religious beliefs had ever influenced her decision-making as a manager.


The relationship between intelligence (cognitive ability) and job performance:

Multiple Choice

Is weak, but gets stronger for more complex

Is strong, and gets stronger in less complex jobs

Is moderate, and is not affected by the complexity of the job

Is weak, but gets stronger for less complex jobs

Is strong, and gets stronger in more complex jobs

May 19, 2022

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