1. Which numeric data type~the POl nt20 class (creatoo in Ihis chapler) use for internal storage of the X aud Y VOllues? 2. Which data typt$ can the Potnt20 class work with allhe constructor 1evel~ 3....

1. Which numeric data type~the POl nt20 class (creatoo in Ihis chapler) use for internal storage of the X aud Y VOllues?

2. Which data typt$ can the Potnt20 class work with allhe constructor 1evel~

3. Which sprile property dC'lennines lhe angle at whieb the sprite will mov~

4. Which sprite property determines at which angle an image is pointed. regardless of movement dirl'

5. Which MftneTransfor. method allows you to translate, rotate, and.scale a sprit~

May 19, 2022

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