1. What numeric data type docs the Polnt2D cbss (created in this chapter) usc for internal storage of the X and Y values? 2. How does the usc of a class such as POintlD improve a game's source code....

1. What numeric data type docs the Polnt2D cbss (created in this chapter) usc for internal storage of the X and Y values?

2. How does the usc of a class such as POintlD improve a game's source code. \'CT5US using simple variabla?

3. Which pro~ny in the Sprite class determines the angle at whKh the sprile will mova

4. Which property in the Sprite class de'lermincs the angle at which a sprite is pointed?

5. How many milliseconds must the game usc as a deby in order to achieve a frame rate of 60 frames per second?

May 19, 2022

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