1. What is the name of the mcthod thm makes collision detcction possible? 2. How many collisions can the game detect within a single update of the game loop? 3. What would happen if the ship were to...

1. What is the name of the mcthod thm makes collision detcction possible?

2. How many collisions can the game detect within a single update of the game loop?

3. What would happen if the ship were to fire a projectile that "warps" around the screen and then hits the ship? Would a collision take place? Why or why not?

4. What should happen to the player's ship after it has been destroyed by a collision with an asteroid? Describe a better way to "respawn" the ship than what is currently being done.

5. What type oftransform could you apply
the explosion sprite to change its size?

May 19, 2022

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