1. What is the freezing point depression of the benzoic/lauric acid solution? 2. What is the Molal concentration of benzoic/lauric acid solution? 3. Amount of Benzoic acid solute 4. Molar mass of...

1. What is the freezing point depression of the benzoic/lauric acid solution?

2. What is the Molal concentration of benzoic/lauric acid solution?

3. Amount of Benzoic acid solute

4. Molar mass of benzoic acid(experimental value)

5. Molar mass of benzoic acid(expected value)

6. Molar mass percent difference There is 7.08 grams of lauric acid in the mixture and 1.71 grams of benzoic acid in the mixture. freezing point of pure lauric acid is 44.1 degrees celcius freezing point of benzoic/lauric acid mixture is 36.6 degrees celcius The molal freezing point depression constant of lauric acid has been determined Kf=3.9 degrees celcius. Please let me know if more info is needed and please show detailed steps so I can wrap my head around these concepts.

May 19, 2022

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