1. What is abnormal psychology, and how is psychological disorder defined?
2. What is the bio-psycho-social model and how does it relate to mental illness?
3. When is a given behavior considered a psychological disorder? Give an example.
4. Define comorbidity.
5. Why do you think people with psychological disorders are stigmatized in our society? Give some examples? Do you think this is changing?
6. How are psychological disorders diagnosed?
7. What are the five axes in the DSM?
8. Why do you think disorders like ADHD and Autism have quadrupled in the U.S. and around the world? Is it a matter of over diagnosis, or are we becoming ‘sicker’ as a society?
9. Explain the origin of anxiety disorders. Are they considered genetic or learned disorders (or both)?
10. Consider personality disorders like narcissism. Listen to the NPR podcast in this module. After listening to the podcast, what do you think? Narcissism has been on the rise lately and it's common to hear the phrase, "Oh, he's such a narcissist." What do you think of narcissism as a mental illness? Is it?
11. Is having a high self-esteem necessarily good for personal achievement?
12. What do you think of the use of social media on the rise of narcissism?