: 1. What command would you enter to create a new JAR file, called test.ja r, that contains all files in the current folder? 2. What command would you enter to create the same archive but also include...


1. What command would you enter to create a new JAR file, called test.ja r, that contains all files in the current folder?

2. What command would you enter to create the same archive but also include a manifest file called manifesuxt?

3. What command would you enl CT to list the contents of a file Gllled MyGam... jar ",ith verbose list ing t'nabled?

4. Wh~t JAR parnmetCT option Gluses files to bc added from a djff..rmt fold..r without adding tht' folder name to tlK files stored in the: archive?

5. What t~ of Wt'b server do you n«d to host a lava apple1-based game?

May 19, 2022

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