1. Whal type of parameter docs Ihe MI..tedSprl U.utVelocHy method accept? 2. What arithmdic opcntion is used to calculale an animation fntJ1ll"S Y position? 3. Whal arithmetic opmtlion is used to...

1. Whal type of parameter docs Ihe MI..tedSprl U.utVelocHy method accept?

2. What arithmdic opcntion is used to calculale an animation fntJ1ll"S Y position?

3. Whal arithmetic opmtlion is used to calcuLale an animation fram~'Sx position!

4. What is a good class to use when you need 10 creale a bitmap in memory!

5. Which Anl.atedSprl te method dr.lws Ihe current frame of animation!

May 19, 2022

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