1. Two footing “A" and "B" rest in a layer of sand 2.7 m thick. The bottom of the footings are 0.90m below the ground surface. Beneath the sand layer is 1.8m clay layer. Beneath the clay layer is a...

Topic: Soil Compressibility (Soil Mechanics). Please Read the notes below

1. Two footing “A

Extracted text: 1. Two footing “A" and "B" rest in a layer of sand 2.7 m thick. The bottom of the footings are 0.90m below the ground surface. Beneath the sand layer is 1.8m clay layer. Beneath the clay layer is a hard pan. The water table is at a depth of 1.8m below the ground surface. The layer of granular soil is composed of material having a saturated unit weight of 20.46 kN/m3 and a unit weight of 18.45 kN/m3. The clay saturated unit weight is 16.52 kN/m3. A laboratory compression test indicates that the clay has a pre-consolidation pressure of 67 kPa. Compression index is 0.30 and the value of swell index is 0.05. Void ratio of clay is 1.50. Determine: a. The stress increase at the center of clay layer assuming that footing "A", with a dimension 2m x 1.8m, distributes a pressure at an angle of 2 vertical to 1 horizontal. The load of the footing is 3500KN. b. The size of the square footing "B" so that the settlement of the clay layer is the same beneath footing “A" and "B". c. Determine the settlement beneath footing "A" 0.9m 2mxl.8m 18.45KN/m³ 1,8m 2.7m GRANULAR SOIL GWT 2.7m Ysat = 20.46KN/m³ Ysat = 16.52kN/m³ o: = 67kPa = 0.30 1.8m ELAY LAYER Cc e = 1.50 Cs = 0.05 Note: Neglect the effect of the load of the two footing with each other. Draw Free Body Diagram Use 3 decimal Places. Dont copy in Chegg the Given is different Topic: Compressibility of Soil (Soil Mechanics)

Jun 11, 2022

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