1. The Print Spooler service depends on the _________ and __________ services. 2. Your committee has created a 290-page report for management and you decide to print one copy initially. You send the...

1. The Print Spooler service depends on the _________ and __________ services.

2. Your committee has created a 290-page report for management and you decide to print one copy initially. You send the copy to the printer and then remember that you might not have made a correction to the footer material that prints at the bottom of each page. You pause the printout to check. After you determine all is OK, you decide to continue printing. Which of the following options should you use from the Document menu on the printer window for the print queue for that printer to continue from where you left off?

a. Continue

b. Resume

c. Restart

d. Rerun

May 19, 2022

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