1. The PR office for a movie studio will generate “information subsidies” about an upcoming release. What kinds of information subsidies might they generate, and how will different elements that may...

1. The PR office for a movie studio will generate “information subsidies” about an upcoming release. What kinds of information subsidies might they generate, and how will different elements that may influence the public’s perception of the movie (for example, newspapers, network TV morning shows, and websites) use that information? Why is the information called “subsidies” to these organizations?

2. Ethical standards operate on three levels: the personal, the professional, and the societal. Consider this situation: a reporter is anonymously given a document that reveals apparent fraud in the spending at a local nonprofit that serves homeless people. Think about the personal, professional, and societal implications if the reporter does not thoroughly investigate the claims the document makes before publishing a story. Which of Steele’s “Ten Questions” would you consider to be the most important to answer before publishing the story?

May 19, 2022

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