1. (Store numbers in a linked list) Write a program that lets the user enter numbers and displays numbers as described below. Use a linked list to store the numbers. Do not store duplicate numbers....

1. (Store numbers in a linked list) Write a program that lets the user enter numbers<br>and displays numbers as described below. Use a linked list to store the numbers.<br>Do not store duplicate numbers. Add the methods Sort, Shuffle, and Reverse to<br>sort, shuffle, and reverse the list in the application class (driver class).<br>Please submit the source code and bytecode.<br>

Extracted text: 1. (Store numbers in a linked list) Write a program that lets the user enter numbers and displays numbers as described below. Use a linked list to store the numbers. Do not store duplicate numbers. Add the methods Sort, Shuffle, and Reverse to sort, shuffle, and reverse the list in the application class (driver class). Please submit the source code and bytecode.

Jun 09, 2022

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