1. State your SMART goal (modification can be made where needed). You goal(s) should fulfill all of the SMART criteria (Specific Measurable Action-oriented Realistic Time-based). Provide a statement as to why this goal is realistic to you.
2. As discussed in the stress seminar our stressors can impact on our behaviour change and SMART goals. Complete the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) (figure 3.1 on page74 in your textbook) and report your score (you only need to state your score). List at least three stressors that impact on your ability to achieve your SMART goal (no explanation needed).
3. From the Week 7 Seminar, using the transactional model of coping and appraisal explain how you are able to overcome your stressors to achieve your SMART goal. In your answer:
a) Explain the primary appraisal of the stressor you are experiencing that is having the largest impact on your ability to achieve your SMART goal
b) Based on your secondary appraisal of the stressor and impact on your Smart goal identify what you can do to achieve your SMART goal
c) Correctly name the coping strategies that you use (from seminar 7) and explain how you use these strategies to overcome your stressor. (NOTE: You need to ONLY use the coping strategies outlined in seminar 7)
4.As discussed in the locus of control seminar there are four domains of control beliefs (Behavioural, Cognitive, Decisional, and Informational). For each of these domains describe a strategy you could use or/do use to increase your locus of control in order to achieve your SMART goal. Include how each strategy enhances your locus of control over your SMART goal within that domain. (NOTE: this question was updated on 27 Aug 2019)
5. The Cancer Council is an exemplar in HBC worldwide (https://www.cancer.org.au/)
a) Looking at the Cancer Council website pick 3 theories/concepts from the below list and explain and evaluate how the program uses each one.
i) Barriers
ii) Coping strategies
iii) Decisional Balance
iv) Enhancing self-efficacy
v) Locus of control
vi) Relapse Prevention
vii) Transtheoretical Model
viii) Primary and Secondary appraisal of stress
ix) Self-Determination Theory of motivation