1: Rock, Paper, Sciššors Rock, Paper, Scissors! Make your selection. (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors? 1 You: rock HAL: rock A tie! Play again (Y/N)? y Make your selection. . . (1) rock, (2) paper,...

Python code

1: Rock, Paper, Sciššors<br>Rock, Paper, Scissors!<br>Make your selection.<br>(1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors? 1<br>You: rock<br>HAL: rock<br>A tie!<br>Play again (Y/N)? y<br>Make your selection. . .<br>(1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors? 2<br>You: paper<br>HAL: scissors<br>HAL wins!<br>Play again (Y/N)? y<br>Make your selection. .<br>(1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors? 44<br>Invalid selection. Try again.<br>Make your selection. .<br>(1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors? 3<br>You can assume the input will be an integer.<br>Check if it is 1, 2 or 3. If not, inform user of<br>..<br>invalid selection as shown.<br>You: scissors<br>HAL: раper<br>You win!<br>Play again (Y/N)? n<br>

Extracted text: 1: Rock, Paper, Sciššors Rock, Paper, Scissors! Make your selection. (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors? 1 You: rock HAL: rock A tie! Play again (Y/N)? y Make your selection. . . (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors? 2 You: paper HAL: scissors HAL wins! Play again (Y/N)? y Make your selection. . (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors? 44 Invalid selection. Try again. Make your selection. . (1) rock, (2) paper, (3) scissors? 3 You can assume the input will be an integer. Check if it is 1, 2 or 3. If not, inform user of .. invalid selection as shown. You: scissors HAL: раper You win! Play again (Y/N)? n

Jun 11, 2022

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