1. Revise the applet in Listing 6.24 so that the button disappears after it is
2. Create a class that will bundle together several static methods for tax computations.
This class should not have a constructor. Its attributes are
• basicRate—the basic tax rate as a static double variable that starts at
4 percent
• luxuryRate—the luxury tax rate as a static double variable that starts at
10 percent
Its methods are
• computeCostBasic(price)—a static method that returns the given price
plus the basic tax, rounded to the nearest penny.
• computeCostLuxury(price)—a static method that returns the given
price plus the luxury tax, rounded to the nearest penny.
• changeBasicRateTo(newRate)—a static method that changes the basic
tax rate.
• changeLuxuryRateTo(newRate)—a static method that changes the luxury
tax rate.
• roundToNearestPenny(price)—a private static method that returns the
given price rounded to the nearest penny. For example, if the price is
12.567, the method will return 12.57.