(1) Prompt the user to enter four numbers, each corresponding to a person's weight in pounds. Store all weights in a list. Output the list.  Ex: Enter weight 1: 236.0 Enter weight 2: 89.5 Enter...

(1) Prompt the user to enter four numbers, each corresponding to a person's weight in pounds. Store all weights in a list. Output the list.


Enter weight 1: 236.0 Enter weight 2: 89.5 Enter weight 3: 176.0 Enter weight 4: 166.3 Weights: [236.0, 89.5, 176.0, 166.3]

(2) Output the average of the list's elements with two digits after the decimal point.Hint: Use a conversion specifier to output with a certain number of digits after the decimal point.

(3) Output the max list element with two digits after the decimal point.


Enter weight 1: 236.0 Enter weight 2: 89.5 Enter weight 3: 176.0 Enter weight 4: 166.3 Weights: [236.0, 89.5, 176.0, 166.3] Average weight: 166.95 Max weight: 236.00

(4) Prompt the user for a number between 1 and 4. Output the weight at the user specified location and the corresponding value in kilograms. 1 kilogram is equal to 2.2 pounds.


Enter a list location (1 - 4): 3 Weight in pounds: 176.00 Weight in kilograms: 80.00

(5) Sort the list's elements from least heavy to heaviest weight.


Sorted list: [89.5, 166.3, 176.0, 236.0]

Output the average and max weights as floating-point values with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows:


My Code:

wt = []

for i in range(4):

val = float(input('Enter weight ' + str(i+1) + ": "))


print('Weights:', wt)

total = 0.0

fori in range(len(wt)):

total = total + wt[i]

avg = total / len(wt);

print('Average weight:{:.2f}'.format(avg))

max = wt[0]

fori in range(len(wt)):

if wt[i] > max:

max = wt[i]

print('Max Weight:{:.2f}'.format(max))

ind = int(input('Enter a list index location (1 - 4):'))

ifind<> 4:

print('Invalid index!')


print('Weight in pounds:', wt[ind-1])

print('Weight in kilograms:', (wt[ind-1]/2.2))

for i in range(len(wt)):

min_Pos = i

for j in range(i + 1, len(wt)):

if wt[j]

min_Pos = j

if i != min_Pos:

temp = wt[i]

wt[i] = wt[min_Pos]

wt[min_Pos] = temp

print('Sorted list:', wt)

This codes ouput:

Enter weight 1: Enter weight 2: Enter weight 3: Enter weight 4: Weights: [236.0, 89.5, 176.0, 166.3]

Average weight:166.95

Max Weight:236.00

Enter a list index location (1 - 4):

Weight in pounds: 176.0

Weight in kilograms: 80.0

Sorted list: [89.5, 166.3, 176.0, 236.0]

output should be:

Enter weight 1:


Enter weight 2:


Enter weight 3:


Enter weight 4:


Weights: [236.0, 89.5, 176.0, 166.3]

Average weight: 166.95

Max weight: 236.00

Enter a list location (1 - 4): 3

Weight in pounds: 176.00

Weight in kilograms: 80.00

*The "enter weight" should be on a new line for each entry and not on the same line. as well as printing the number entered.

May 19, 2022

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