1. (PROJECT) Modify Program 9.3 so that the object in the scene blends environment-mapping with a texture. Use a weighted sum in the fragment shader, as described in Chapter 7. 2. (RESEARCH & PROJECT)...

Modify Program 9.3 so that the object in the scene blends environment-mapping with a texture. Use a weighted sum in the fragment shader, as described in Chapter 7.

Learn the basics of how to use Terragen [TE16] to create a simple cube map. This generally entails making a “world” with the desired terrain and atmospheric patterns (in Terragen), and then positioning Terragen’s synthetic camera to save six images representing the views front, back, right, left, top, and bottom. Use your images in Programs 9.2 and 9.3 to see their appearance as cube maps and with environment mapping. The free

version of Terragen is quite sufficient for this exercise.

May 19, 2022

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