Algorithm: Weighted Interval Scheduling & Dynamic Programming (Knapsack, Edit Distance)
Give an algorithm in pseudocode that will produce the minimal-cost sequence of edit operations for strings u and v from the array C computed by following algorithm (in picture). Give proofs of correctness and running time for your algorithm.
(Given 2 strings u = and v =, find edit distance d(u,v)
Extracted text: 1. procedure DISTANCE(u = a1 ·, V= b1 · . - bn,d) 2. C[0, 0] +0 3. for i from 1 to m do C[i, 0] + d(ai, e) + C[i – 1,0] for j from 1 to n do C[0, j] + d(e,b;) + C[0, j – 1] 4. 5. 6. 7. for i from 1 to m do for j from 1 to n do C[i, j] - min{d(a;, b;) + C[i – 1, j – 1], d(a;, e) + C[i – 1,j], d(ɛ, b;) + C[i, j – 1]} return C[m, n] 8. 9. 10.