1. Prepare a paper on reporting and disclosure issues related to segment and NCI within a 10-K that
include the following:
- Explore the concepts of segment and NCI disclosure and reporting using the course. You
also find and review / read outside literature (to mean more than just the 10-K report) on these subjects and use and reference
a. A brief introduction / review of your chosen entity.
b. What are the requirements / rules for disclosures in the two areas of segments and NCIs to include the history and development of the specific rules, the specific applicable rule #s, key points etc. of segment and NCI reporting and disclosure requirements?
c. Summarize what and how your company has disclosed relating to these two items (and
these items), and
d. Your thoughts on the effectiveness / overall meaningfulness of your company's disclosures relating to
segments and NCIs and their disclosure rules for these two areas only
3. Prepare a paper on the CAFR report to include the following:
- Explore the concepts of the course material relating to CAFRs. You
also find and review / read outside literature on this subject and the below requirements as well and use and reference
a. A brief introduction / review of your chosen CAFR entity.
b. For the CAFR report, discuss its focus, what it is trying to impart on its users, a review of the main sections of the CAFR (what is
expected is a fund-by-fund accounting of figures, performance, balances, etc.)
c. Clearly identify who the actual intended audience / users of a CAFR report are outside those the CAFR report itself is addressed to.
d. Discuss your thoughts on how a CAFR is presented to its users
5. Prepare a paper on the Form 990 to include the following:
- Explore the concepts of the class material relating to NFPs and Form 990s. You
find and review / read outside literature on these subjects as well and use and reference
a. A brief overview of your entity.
b. Discuss what a Form 990 is, what is its focus, what are its major sections and requirements, and what it's intended to do.
c. Discuss who are the Form 990's actual intended users - who and why is the form intended for (what is
expected is a fund-by-fund accounting of figures, performance, balances, etc.).
d. Finally, compare the Form 990 to your NFP entity’s annual report (if they don’t have an annual report, find an annual report from another NFP) and discuss the different audiences/needs/users / purpose of same.