1. PLEASE, PERFORM THE EXERCISE IN EXCEL AND SHOW THE FORMULAS A person substitutes a total insurance policy of $300,000.00 for an annuity, with the condition that it will be paid to him or his heirs...



A person substitutes a total insurance policy of $300,000.00 for an annuity, with the condition that it will be paid to him or his heirs for 25 years. If the insurance company operates at 7¼% interest, find the value of the annuity, the amount of total interest, and the effective rate.


In the image, this is the original exercise, it is in Spanish, but it is easy to understand.

Very important Note:

It is necessary that you make a solution approach and then the result. Above all, to check the procedure and/or the formulas used, especially when you use excel.

Una persona sustituye un seguro total de $300,000.00 por una renta anual, con<br>la condición de que se le pague a él o a sus herederos durante 25 años. Si la<br>compañía de seguros opera con el 7%% de interés, hallar el valor de la renta<br>anual (anualidad), el monto de los intereses totales y la tasa efectiva.<br>

Extracted text: Una persona sustituye un seguro total de $300,000.00 por una renta anual, con la condición de que se le pague a él o a sus herederos durante 25 años. Si la compañía de seguros opera con el 7%% de interés, hallar el valor de la renta anual (anualidad), el monto de los intereses totales y la tasa efectiva.

Jun 03, 2022

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