1. MUNICIPAL REPORT: Each Student will be required to attend a municipal (City, county, school board, or special district) meeting. Due to the pandemic most meeting are done online. 2. The student...

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1. MUNICIPAL REPORT: Each Student will be required to attend a municipal (City, county, school board, or special district) meeting. Due to the pandemic most meeting are done online. 2. The student will then write a typed, double-spaced, two (2) to three (3) page paper reporting on the meetings participants, procedures, and issues discussed. 3. To verify your attendance, the front page of the observed meeting’s agenda, which is free to all who attend, should be attached to the end of your report.  The assignment should include: 1. Analysis of each elected officials, city or county representatives and audience; (Number, Name, Gender, age, ethnicity, title/job etc.) 2. Outlines procedures followed to discuss issues; 3. Summary of one issue observed and resolved; 4. Personal evaluation of meeting with problems observed and solutions. 5. Use MLA version Cited reference to the video feed that you used for watching the meeting. Please attended following Virtual meeting scheduled today. Upcoming Meetings Month  Day  Date/Time  Meeting Type  Agenda Aug Tue 08/04/20 - 02:00 PM Regular Meeting PM Agenda the following link will take you to meeting list… please join today at 6pm https://www.kerncounty.com/government/board-of-supervisors/board-agenda-minutes-and-video
Answered Same DayAug 04, 2021

Answer To: 1. MUNICIPAL REPORT: Each Student will be required to attend a municipal (City, county, school...

Moumita answered on Aug 05 2021
134 Votes
Table of Contents
Analysis of the Officials and the audience    3
Procedures to be discussed in
the meeting    3
Summary of the issues resolved or observed.    4
Personal Evaluation of the meeting and the solution    4
Works Cited    5
Analysis of the Officials and the audience
    The members of the Board supervisors were all present in the meeting that was held at the meeting hall of the Country of Kern. The officials who were present in the meeting were supervisors:
· Supervisor Gleason who is by gender male and age is 42 years.
· Supervisor Scrivner who has also gendered a male and age is 35 years.
· Supervisor Maggard, age is 45 years, and gender is female.
· Finally, supervisor Couch and Perez who are 50 and 48 respectively and both are males.
As per the suggestion of the Chairman Perez, due to this COVID 19 pandemic, the Board of Supervisors of the meeting is not physically open to the public. Hence in that meeting all the public opinion and the recommendations of the general public for the municipality meeting were all accepted by email, voice mail and teleconference.
Procedures to be discussed in the meeting
    The main contents of the meeting that were decided to...

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