1. Modify the schematic of the NSC so that it can access a memory with 32 instructions. (Hint: Begin by extending the memory to 32 locations, then trace all of the changes required in the various...

1. Modify the schematic of the NSC so that it can access a memory with 32 instructions. (Hint: Begin by extending the memory to 32 locations, then trace all of the changes required in the various components—you may be surprised at the number of modifications caused by this seemingly minor extension.)

2. Assume the NSC has a new instruction called INC (opcode = 11) that increments the contents of the OUT register; the INC instruction data field is unused. Also assume that the LOC input is tied to the complement of the DOUT[3] bit (LOC = ~DOUT3). For the program in Table 2.10, how many clock cycles does it take to reach location 3?

May 19, 2022

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