1. Modify Program 2.2 to add animation that causes the drawn point to grow and shrink, in a cycle. Hint: use the glPointSize() function, with a variable as the parameter. 2. Modify Program 2.5 so that...

1. Modify Program 2.2 to add animation that causes the drawn point to grow and shrink, in a cycle. Hint: use the glPointSize() function, with a variable as the parameter. 2. Modify Program 2.5 so that it draws an isosceles triangle (rather than the right triangle shown in Figure 2.15). 3.
Modify Program 2.5 to include the error-checking modules shown in Program 2.3. After you have that working, try inserting various errors into the shaders and observing both the resulting behavior and the error messages generated.

May 19, 2022

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