1. MEASUREMENT On a yardstick with scales in inches and centimeters, you notice that 13 inches is approximately the same length as 33 centimeters. Use this information to find a mathematical model...

1. MEASUREMENT On a yardstick with scales in inches and centimeters, you notice that 13 inches is approximately the same length as 33 centimeters. Use this information to find a mathematical model that relates centimeters to inches Then use the model to find the numbers of centimeters in 10 inches and 20 inches.

2. MEASUREMENT When buying gasoline, you notice that 14 gallons of gasoline is approximately the same amount of gasoline as 53 liters. Use this information to find a linear model that relates liters to gallons Then use the model to find the numbers of liters in 5 gallons and 25 gallons.

May 19, 2022

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