1. Marvin is interested in whether blonds, brunets, and redheads differ with respect to their extrovertedness. He randomly samples 18 men from his local college campus: six blonds, six brunets, and...

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1. Marvin is interested in whether blonds, brunets, and redheads differ with respect to their extrovertedness. He randomly samples 18 men from his local college campus: six blonds, six brunets, and six redheads. He then administers a measure of social extroversion to each individual.

Conduct a one-way ANOVA to investigate the relationship between hair color and social extroversion. Conduct appropriate post hoc tests. On the output, identify the following:

Answered Same DayDec 31, 2021

Answer To: 1. Marvin is interested in whether blonds, brunets, and redheads differ with respect to their...

Robert answered on Dec 31 2021
117 Votes
We are going to conduct a one-way ANOVA to investigate the relationship between hair color and
Go to Analyze  Compare Means  One-way ANOVA
Move Social Extraversion to the Dependent Box
Move Hair Color to the Factor box
Click Options: select Descriptives, Homogeneity of variance test, and Means plot
Click Continue and OK.

What is going on, descriptively, in this data? Blondes have highest mean extraversion, followed by
brunettes and then redheads.

Do we reject Levene’s test? No, so we can assume equal variance across groups.

Now we’re into the good stuff. Let’s take a closer look at this information:
Between groups: This is the effect of the IV (the grouping variable) and is the row we are especially
interested in. Sum of squares here represents the sum of the squared deviations of group means around the
grand mean. The F statistic here is the one we will report. Note that there are 2 df because there are 3
levels of this variable (df=N-1). F = MSbetween/MSwithin
Within groups: SSwithin is the sum of squared deviations of individual scores around their respective
group means.
Total: This is the row we use to designate total SS and total df.
Social Extrovers ion
6 5.17 2.787 1.138 2.24 8.09 2 10
6 3.67 1.211 .494 2.40 4.94 2 5
6 2.33 1.033 .422 1.25 3.42 1 4
18 3.72 2.109 .497 2.67 4.77 1 10
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound
95% Confidence Interval for
Minimum Maximum
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Social Extrovers ion
1.520 2 15 .250
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Social Extroversion
24.111 2 12.056 3.511 .056
51.500 15 3.433
75.611 17
Between Groups
Within Groups
Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Means Plots

We also asked to see a means plot, so here it is  As we said earlier, blondes appear to have the highest
mean extraversion, followed by brunettes, then redheads.
Some questions:
1) Identify the SS, F ratio, and p value, and for the hair...

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