1. Look at “Table 3” attached. These data come from a recent publication on the number of misogynistic tweets and its relationship to various factors of gender inequality (Blake et al., 2021). Answer the following questions:
a. Treating the number of domestic violence arrests at Time 2 as a population of data, which is the more appropriate measure of central tendency, the mean or the median? Why?
b. Knowing that a value is statistical unusual if it is greater than 2 SDs from its mean, what is the smallest possible number of alcohol outlets that would be significantly more than the mean for this dataset at Time 1?
c. Assume that median income is normally distributed and that this sample represents the population. What range of income data includes 95% of all data?

Extracted text: Table 3. Descriptive Statistics for Study Variables Time 1 Time 2 Variable M SD Mdn Min. Маxх. SD Mdn Min. Мах. Domestic-violence 80.92 148.58 29 1,287 81.53 144.63 30 1,239 arrests (N) 69 Misogynistic tweets (N) 3.24 9.58 1 112 1.93 6.04 Population (N) 569,009 1,329,341 174,487 54,522 54,080 521,023 1,085,780 206.04 13,131,431 3,544 13,378,391 171,555 3,415 96% Alcohol outlets (N) 58.10 200.77 15 1 58.88 15 1 White 81% 13% 85% 17% 81% 13 84% 17% 97% GI education 47% 47% 47% 53% 64% 47% 55% 65% 2% 39% 2% 33% GI employment 53% 2% 52% 45% 53% 2% 52% 45% GI health 48% 1% 48% 44% 52% 48% 1% 48% 45% 52% GI income 57% 4% 57% 36% 75% 57% 4% 57% 45% 72% 45% 56% Gini coefficient 3% 45% 38% 55% 45% 3% 45% 38% 55% College educated Median age (years) 9% 55% 29% 82% 56% 9% 56% 30% 80% 38.46 4.84 38.40 24.60 65.50 38.36 4.80 38.40 24.40 66.00 Median income $29,011 $6,592 $28,150 $10,465 $61,968 $28,634 $6,302 $27,853 $12,327 $60,076 Note: Population and alcohol outlets are presented untransformed for ease of interpretation. GI = gender inequality.