1. Let M = ({qo. q1, q2, q3, q4. qs}, {a, b, c, d}, qo. fs {q4. q5}) be the Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) with state transition function, f; defined as follows: f(qo, a) = q1 f (qo, b) = q 3...

Based on the state diagram in Figure 1,

i)Construct its state transition table for the finite-state machine (FSM).

II)Write the output string for the input string of 00001.

iii)State whether the input string in (b) is accepted by M or not.

1. Let M = ({qo. q1, q2, q3, q4. qs}, {a, b, c, d}, qo. fs {q4. q5}) be the Deterministic<br>Finite Automaton (DFA) with state transition function, f; defined as follows:<br>f(qo, a) = q1<br>f (qo, b) = q 3<br>f(q0, c) = q2<br>f(q0, d) = q3<br>f(q1, a) = q 1<br>f(q1, b) = q4<br>f(q1, c) = q 1<br>f(q1, d) = q1<br>f(q2, a) = q2<br>f(q2, b) = q2<br>f(q2, c) = q2<br>f(q2, d) = qs<br>f(q3, a) = q3<br>f(q3, b) = q 3<br>f(q3, c) = q3<br>f(q3, d) = q3<br>f(q4, a) = q1<br>f(q4, b) = q4<br>f(q4, c) = q1<br>f(q4, d) = q1<br>f(q5, a) = q2<br>f(qs, b) = q2<br>f(q5, c) = q2<br>f(q5, d) = qs<br>

Extracted text: 1. Let M = ({qo. q1, q2, q3, q4. qs}, {a, b, c, d}, qo. fs {q4. q5}) be the Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) with state transition function, f; defined as follows: f(qo, a) = q1 f (qo, b) = q 3 f(q0, c) = q2 f(q0, d) = q3 f(q1, a) = q 1 f(q1, b) = q4 f(q1, c) = q 1 f(q1, d) = q1 f(q2, a) = q2 f(q2, b) = q2 f(q2, c) = q2 f(q2, d) = qs f(q3, a) = q3 f(q3, b) = q 3 f(q3, c) = q3 f(q3, d) = q3 f(q4, a) = q1 f(q4, b) = q4 f(q4, c) = q1 f(q4, d) = q1 f(q5, a) = q2 f(qs, b) = q2 f(q5, c) = q2 f(q5, d) = qs

Jun 10, 2022

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